mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Why does hair become gray?

I am often asked questions about the causes of gray hair and treatments can remedy. The truth is that many factors can affect the rate at which your hair turns gray. Main factor: just genes. Everyone ages according to the genetic code found in DNA. Sometimes it means that someone will still color youth 80 years, while another person will completely white hair at 25 years. Of course, these are extreme cases and most people find themselves rather between the two, at different points.

 Science does not know all the causes of graying. Factors such as stress, poor diet or bad nutrition, medical problems, as well as drug interactions and side effects can often play a role in the rate and extent of graying of a person. In some cases, hair can regain their normal color when it solves the problem or factor causing this graying. However, in most cases, gray hair is just part of the natural progression of the body.

The mechanics of graying hair

      We all know that our bodies are made up of millions and MILLIONS of cells, which are the organs and systems, and perform countless functions to enable us to live and move from childhood to adulthood. These cells live, age, breed and die cycle, constantly regenerating according to their genetic model and the function they must perform in the body.

 For the Skin, some cells are responsible for the creation of pigmentation. These cells are called melanocytes, and they produce melanin. The type and quantity of melanin they produce gives color to your skin and determines its sensitivity to UV rays. Melanocytes are also found in the cells that form the hair follicles, allowing your hair to grow hair and on your body.

The melanin produced by melanocytes that determines the color of our hair and hair. There are two types of melanin: pheomelanin red / blonde and eumelanin brown / black. These are the quantity and the balance between these two melanins that create all the natural colors.

    Of course, as we age, the cells of our body begin to deteriorate. Some scientists have explained this decline by comparing the results that you get when you photocopy a document so many times. In the end, the photocopy will begin to deteriorate and will be less clear. Reproduction of cells is comparable to the situation that after a number of reproductions, cells deteriorate and cease to function or work less well.

When a hair follicle melanocytes face this, the hair follicle leaving it and begins to lose its pigmentation and become clearer. If the melanocytes stop working completely, the hair / hair becomes entirely gray. Note that the hair follicles, and even follicle cells, operate independently of each other. This is why gray hair usually found in individual hair. Even when gray hair gives the impression of being together (some hair a few inches from each other, are in fact separated by hundreds of other follicles.

  One of the hypotheses is that some factors prevent graying of hair follicle melanocyte function, or affect their operation to deteriorate, which increases the amount of gray hair of a person. In some cases, these factors could be the cause of the damage or cell death (as in the case of malnutrition or chemotherapy for people with cancer).

now you understand the basics of graying. I hope that this process will be a little less mysterious now. And although it does not allow you to love your gray hair, you now understand the main causes and processes that make your hair gray.

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